Quality First
Vinda believes that product quality is the cornerstone for a company’s credibility. Vinda has adopted the ISO international management system over the years to ensure product safety and quality. Vinda’s production bases in mainland China are certified under the ISO9001 quality management system, the ISO14001 environmental management system and ISO22000 food safety management system. Vinda not only introduces a range of automated equipment to strengthen quality controls, but also monitors hygiene conditions at all of its factories under the 6S management standards (SEIRI/Sort, SEITON/Systemize, SEISO/Sweep, SEIKETSU/Sanitize, SHITSUKE/Self-accomplishment and Safety), as well as engaging professional pest control contractors to undertake regular extermination to keep a clean production environment. Malaysia and Taiwan,China factories have been certified with ISO9001 Quality Management System, ISO14001 Environmental Management System and ISO45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System. In addition, Vinda has set up a mechanism to handle customer complaints. It consists of collection and analysis of complaints and recommendations on remedies.